"The heart has its reasons in which reason knows nothing" -Blaise Pascal

Monday, September 28, 2009

"Wanna Go Home"

I am so excited. I am so excited. I am so excited. I'M COMING HOME. I can't wait. Countdown is less than four days, and I am going crazy I am so excited.

Things that I'm excited for:

1. Home cooked meals.
2. Conference on the couch.
3. Seeing a movie with sissa and buddy.
4. Just being home.
5. Seeing the Merrill kiddos.
6. Stealing things (like shampoo and toothpaste) from mom's stash.
7. A good washing machine.
8. A car to go places.
9. mattie's face.
10.hami vs. chandler??

and so many more things

What I'm packing:

1. enough clothes to get me through the weekend.
2. a toothbrush.
3. makeup.
4. my scriptures.

and that's about it. because i'm going to steal lots of things from home. like a few loaves of homemade bread? my dad thinks i'm crazy. i probably am.

but i'm going home.

1 comment:

Leash said...

that's awesome!! have so much fun! :)