"The heart has its reasons in which reason knows nothing" -Blaise Pascal

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Overwhelmed but Excited

This pretty much explains my BYU experience this far. I can't explain the excitement...something about a new school year just really is thrilling to me. I absolutely love to learn. I'm one of the few people I know that get excited over buying new pencils. Maybe it's a good thing that I want to be a teacher?

But I also have this awful fear of failing. I dread feeling inadequate. And I'm learning that I'm just going to have to get used to it. There's nothing I can do about it. All of my classes are going to be a lot of work and a lot of time. I'm so nervous. But...I am SO EXCITED.

I love college so far. I know I've only been in class for 3 days, but so far, the challenge of learning these new things is super exciting to me. I may not be able to do anything for the next four years of my life, but I sure will learn a lot!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh man! Sometimes you sound like a mini me.

Watch your mail...